Create your Web Pro with rapi.Website

Before starting to watch the video you must carefully read the following explanatory introduction:

  1. If you already have your website created in rapi.Website, skip to the next step, otherwise start in rapi.Website – Quick Start Guide
  2. Once the previous point is completed, if you have followed and completed each of the steps in the Quick Start Guide, at this point you will have:
    • A Complete website with the design adapted to your business or market niche.
    • Therefore, You don't even need to hire hosting, or a domain, or install anything at all.: you can skip, in the following videos, everything related to these tasks and directly go to the point of the videos where they explain construction and design of your website.
  3. Custom modification of your website: The following videos, after the main one that appears first, go into greater detail on the use of the DIVI theme, the same one that is included in your rapi.Website. These videos will help you expand your knowledge and thus be able to make modifications and adaptations on your website with a greater level of detail, view them as you need to expand your knowledge about Divi.
    • Todos los planes te permiten modificar el contenido de la página inicial de tu plantilla, sin embargo para poder cargar un diseño nuevo por completo necesitas un plan que tenga dicha capacidad.