Start step by step

Start step by step

Ahora, vuelve a tu panel de administrador, probablemente ya lo tienes abierto en otra pestaña de este navegador, y pulsa el botón «Empezar paso a paso».

Online Academy – Adapt your Academy page with Divi Extra and rapi.Website

Online Academy – Adapt your Academy page with Divi Extra and rapi.Website

Adapt your Online Academy page in a visual and intuitive way, to do this follow the instructions below:

  1. Para que el aspecto visual sea correcto, la mayoría de la veces hace falta eliminar el pie global que tengas configurado en el tema Divi Extra, sobre todo si el look&feel cambia con la plantilla de página nueva elegida, mira como hacerlo here.
  2. The adaptation of the Online Academy page is done visually and without the need for technical knowledge. The process is analogous to that explained in Home – Choose or adapt the visual appearance of your website, but choosing a template (layout) according to what you like for your Online Academy (tip: search the library for templates related to education).
  3. Todos los planes te permiten modificar el contenido de la página inicial de tu plantilla, sin embargo para poder cargar un diseño nuevo por completo necesitas un plan que tenga dicha capacidad.
  4. Once you have chosen the template that you like the most, you can adapt it visually, and without technical knowledge: the description and logos of your business.

Configure your Online Academy in Detail

After a first adaptation of your courses page, carried out in the previous section, we invite you to create a more complete online academy. Click the following button for more details on this process:

Online Store – Adapt your Store page with Divi Extra and rapi.Website

Online Store – Adapt your Store page with Divi Extra and rapi.Website

Adapt your Online Store page in a visual and intuitive way, to do this follow the instructions below:

  1. Para que el aspecto visual sea correcto, la mayoría de la veces hace falta eliminar el pie global que tengas configurado en el tema Divi Extra, sobre todo si el look&feel cambia con la plantilla de página nueva elegida, mira como hacerlo here.
  2. The adaptation of the Online Store page is done visually and without the need for technical knowledge. The process is analogous to that explained in Home – Choose or adapt the visual appearance of your website, but choosing a template (layout) according to what you like for your Online Store (tip: search, in the library, for templates related to ecommerce and store).
  3. Todos los planes te permiten modificar el contenido de la página inicial de tu plantilla, sin embargo para poder cargar un diseño nuevo por completo necesitas un plan que tenga dicha capacidad.
  4. Once you have chosen the template that you like the most, you can adapt it visually, and without technical knowledge: the description and logos of your business.

Configure your Online Store in Detail

After a first adaptation of your store page, carried out in the previous section, we invite you to create a more complete online store. Click the following button for more details on this process:

Global Footer – Remove the current global footer from your Divi Extra theme

Remove the current global footer from your Divi Extra theme

Cuando quieres utilizar plantillas Divi de página completa, para que el aspecto visual sea correcto, la mayoría de la veces hace falta eliminar el pie global que tengas configurado en el tema Divi Extra, sobre todo si el look&feel cambia con la plantilla de página nueva elegida.

Todos los planes te permiten modificar el contenido de la página inicial de tu plantilla, sin embargo para poder cargar un diseño nuevo por completo necesitas un plan que tenga dicha capacidad.

The following video explains the process of removing said foot, visually.

2fa access to rapi.Website

2fa access to rapi.Website

Once 2FA authentication is enabled, for valid access to your website, you must enter the two-factor authentication (2FA) verification code, which will be sent to your user email every time you try to access, to log in. The following video explains the process visually.

2nd activation rapidi.Website

2nd activation rapidi.Website

You are required to enable 2FA authentication before the grace period or your account will be imminently locked for security reasons. The following video explains the process visually.

Blog – Change the visual appearance of your blog rapi.Website & Divi Extra

How to choose the theme for your Blog

Editing your rapi.Website website is visual and intuitive.

Adapt the appearance and central theme of your blog to your taste, without the need for technical knowledge. Choose from hundreds of templates depending on the sector or focus of your blog's target business, then you can modify the chosen template to your liking. The following video explains the process visually.

Todos los planes te permiten modificar el contenido de la página inicial de tu plantilla, sin embargo para poder cargar un diseño nuevo por completo necesitas un plan que tenga dicha capacidad.

NOTE: the edition visual of this "Blog" page, unlike the rest, must also be done from the same site (which shows the previous video and marks the following image in red). That is, from where you have made the template change (layout) for the "Blog" page is where the visual editing for said page begins.

DIVI Extra – change of the layout of the main Blog page

Next step…

Continue with the next article or, if you want to know how to modify this page in detail, go to the page Create your Web Pro with rapi.Website

Home – Choose or adapt the visual appearance of your website

How to choose the theme for your website

Editing your rapi.Website website is visual and intuitive.

Adapt the appearance and central theme of your website to your liking, without the need for technical knowledge. Choose from hundreds of templates depending on the sector or focus of your website's target business, then you can modify the chosen template to your liking. The following video explains the process visually.

Todos los planes te permiten modificar el contenido de la página inicial de tu plantilla, sin embargo para poder cargar un diseño nuevo por completo necesitas un plan que tenga dicha capacidad.

Next step…

Continue with the next article or, if you want to know how to modify this page in detail, go to the page Create your Web Pro with rapi.Website

Portfolio – Adapt your Portfolio Page with Divi Extra and rapi.Website

Adapt your Portfolio Page with Divi Extra and rapi.Website

The objective of this page is that you can add the most representative projects or services of your company (or as a freelancer): include text, images, video, description of achievements, benefits, etc... and the necessary support material.

Editing your rapi.Website website is visual and intuitive.

Adapt the appearance and central theme of your portfolio page to your taste, without the need for technical knowledge. Choose from hundreds of templates depending on the sector or focus of your business, then you can modify the chosen template to your liking. The following video explains the process visually.

Todos los planes te permiten modificar el contenido de la página inicial de tu plantilla, sin embargo para poder cargar un diseño nuevo por completo necesitas un plan que tenga dicha capacidad.

Next step…

Continue with the next article or, if you want to know how to modify this page in detail, go to the page Create your Web Pro with rapi.Website

Contact & About – Customize your Contact Page with Divi Extra and rapi.Website

Adapta tu Página de Contacto & «Acerca de» con Divi Extra y rapi.Website

Adapta de «Contacto & Acerca de» con la descripción y logos de tu negocio. La edición de este sitio es visual e intuitiva, te guiaremos de forma GRATUITA paso a paso.

You can adapt it visually, and without technical knowledge. Start by using one of the hundreds of themes we have available, then you can modify the chosen template to your liking. The following video explains the process visually.

Todos los planes te permiten modificar el contenido de la página inicial de tu plantilla, sin embargo para poder cargar un diseño nuevo por completo necesitas un plan que tenga dicha capacidad.

Para que el aspecto visual sea correcto, la mayoría de la veces hace falta eliminar el pie global que tengas configurado en el tema Divi Extra, sobre todo si el look&feel cambia con la plantilla de página nueva elegida, mira como hacerlo here.

Next step…

Continue with the next article or, if you want to know how to modify this page in detail, go to the page Create your Web Pro with rapi.Website

