Next steps…

Once you are in the administration panel of your website, on the "Home" page, you will see the following:

Debes utilizar ordenador ( computadora, PC ) para una correcta realización de lo explicado en el video.

The following image shows, in numbered form, the steps you should follow to gradually progress in knowledge and tasks of increasingly greater value:

  1. Start by clicking the « buttonStart step by step«, marked in the previous figure with 1, you will access our help that will guide you step by step to learn and adapt your website to what you need.
  2. The point indicated, in the previous figure with a 2, gives you access to a series of specialized courses: This list of courses will gradually increase and you will have access depending on the plan and type of website you have active.
  3. In level 3, marked with that number in the previous figure, you will be able to learn about different ways to get or increase income through your website at rapi.Website.

