
If you need help, click the icon magnifying glass, marked within a red circle in the following figure, which appears above and to the left of the « buttonNext lesson» (al pie, al lado derecho, de cada lección):

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Thousands of additional Help Resources at your disposal

rapi.Website está basado en WordPress, es decir, nuestra plataforma ofrece todo el potencial y funcionalidad de WordPress y adicionalmente muchas más adicionales para facilitarte la creación, puesta en producción y monetización de tus webs.

Esto significa que:

Any tutorial (video or document) that you can find on the web (using Google, Youtube, Bing, etc...) that deals with the functionality that you need at that moment, related to WordPress or the plugin that you are using in rapi.Website, will help you. It will also serve as additional help to that offered by our tutorials.

