Follow the instructions received by email

Make sure you receive our email correctly with the instructions for creating your site. To do this, add our domain “rapi.Website” as a trusted sender by following the instructions in How to add a sender to secure emails or contacts

After sending the pre-registration form you will receive an email like the following in your mailbox:

Hello !

We thank you and appreciate you joining our community and know that you will see great results when you start learning from our tutorials, courses, and amazing instructors and community members.

But first of all, you need to verify that this email address, confirming that it belongs to you and can be used securely in relation to the tasks and communications arising from your use of the rapi.Website platform.

Click the following link to confirm your email Confirm your email | Confirm your email.


In this email, click «Confirm your email» to confirm your email: a navigation tab will open confirming that the process has gone correctly and indicating the next steps to follow.

